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jddcnn: joined denoising and demosaicing convolutional neural network

disclaimer: this module is in a highly experimental stage and is probably not very useful for productive use.

the weights are read from ~/.config/vkdt/data/jddcnn-weights.dat.

this executes a network trained externally (pytorch ipython notebook). in the pipeline it should replace denoising and demosaicing.

the network architecture is a u-net very much inspired by intel's OIDN. the input is rggb bayer data in four planes of half resolution, and a fifth input channel is added as a noise estimate for the bayer block, using the poissonian/gaussian noise profile data.

the original code was written by Adrien Vannson and has been modified to work on bayer images and ported from tensorflow to pytorch.

as a sidenote, working with neural networks is pretty exciting.



for optimisation:

for quality:



January 2025