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i-raw: raw image input

this module uses eithor the rawspeed library (c++) or the rawloader library (rust) to decode raw photographs.


if both noise parameters are set to 0.0, vkdt will load the noise profiles from data/nprof/*. see noise profiling for how to create a profile.


this module supports loading sequences of raw files. the raw files need to be same orientation, same resolution, same camera, and currently it's best to have same iso value too. all metadata will be read once for the first image in the sequence and used for all the other images too.

to use this feature, set filename to something like IMG_%04d.CR2 and startid to 944 if your first image is called IMG_0944.CR2. you can then use the animation feature of vkdt to play back the sequence. in the .cfg, be sure to set frames:10 if you have ten subsequently numbered raw files, and set fps:1 for one frame per second. if you set fps to something faster than your ssd/gpu can deliver, you will experience frame drops.

you may want to checkout the keyframes feature to gradually modify exposure for instance (see examples/keyframes.cfg, or the ctrl-k hotkey to create keyframes from the gui when hovering over controls.

February 2025