this initialises a headless vulkan compute shader pipeline, i.e. it does not require an x server to be run.
usage: vkdt-cli -g <graph.cfg>
[-d verbosity] set log verbosity (none,qvk,pipe,gui,db,cli,snd,perf,mem,err,all)
[--last-frame-only] only write the last frame, not the intermediates
[--dump-modules|--dump-nodes] write graphvis dot files to stdout
[--quality <0-100>] jpg output quality
[--width <x>] max output width
[--height <y>] max output height
[--filename <f>] output filename (without extension or frame number)
[--format <fm>] output format (o-jpg, o-bc1, o-pfm, ..)
[--output <inst>] name the instance of the output to write (can use multiple)
this resets output specific options: quality, width, height, audio
[--audio <file>] dump audio stream to this file, if any
[--device <gpu name>] explicitly use this gpu if you have multiple
[--device-id <gpu id>] explicitly use this gpu id if you have multiple
[--config] everything after this will be interpreted as additional cfg lines