corona-13 regression tests

this is the regression test report for corona-13. click on the headings to expand the detailed reports.

basic geometry intersection








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-43-gd03fe6f
file     : 0001_geo/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 512x288
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 100
render   : visibility rays: em + brdf*dot^2
sampler  : pathtracer
mutations: none
spectrum : grid-based full gamut reconstruction
camera   : linear rec709 D65
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

motion blurred geo








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-42-g7ff0398
file     : 0002_mb/test
aabb     : (-10.008, 9.992)x(-9.899, 11.145)x(0.035, 8.551) dm^3
res      : 512x288
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 8 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh with tight motion-blurred boxes and support for big scenes
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 9.195007
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/30 f/8.0 72mm iso 100
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.07 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 8.91s (08.91), user 105.09s (01:45.09)
           average image intensity (rgb): (0.484739 0.379891 0.315690)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : pathtracer with next event estimation and mis
mutations: halton points
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : linear rec709 D65
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

camera motion blur








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-42-g7ff0398
file     : 0003_cam_mb/test
aabb     : (-10.008, 9.992)x(-9.899, 11.145)x(0.035, 8.551) dm^3
res      : 512x288
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 8 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh with tight motion-blurred boxes and support for big scenes
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 9.195007
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/30 f/8.0 72mm iso 100
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.07 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 8.44s (08.43), user 98.82s (01:38.81)
           average image intensity (rgb): (0.504797 0.378585 0.295132)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : pathtracer with next event estimation and mis
mutations: halton points
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : linear rec709 D65
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

simplemost path tracing








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-39-g673ac49
file     : 0010_pt/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.20 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 26.11s (26.11), user 309.32s (05:09.31)
           average image intensity (rgb): (1.082872 1.085367 1.075636)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : pathtracer
mutations: none
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

path tracing with next event estimation








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-39-g673ac49
file     : 0011_ptdl/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.36 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 45.48s (45.47), user 544.35s (09:04.34)
           average image intensity (rgb): (1.083142 1.082929 1.073196)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : pathtracer with next event estimation and mis
mutations: none
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

light tracing








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-42-g7ff0398
file     : 0012_lt/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.19 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 23.95s (23.95), user 286.37s (04:46.36)
           average image intensity (rgb): (0.120862 0.120267 0.104829)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : lighttracer
mutations: none
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

path tracing, light tracing, and mis








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-42-g7ff0398
file     : 0013_ptlt/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.61 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 78.61s (01:18.60), user 935.59s (15:35.58)
           average image intensity (rgb): (1.085598 1.087445 1.075022)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : mis-combined pathtracer with next event estimation and lighttracer
mutations: none
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

bidirectional path tracing with mis








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-43-gd03fe6f
file     : 0014_bdpt/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.77 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 98.04s (01:38.04), user 1167.50s (19:27.50)
           average image intensity (rgb): (1.085342 1.079649 1.077271)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : mis-weighted bi-directional path tracer
mutations: none
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

progressive photon mapping








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-43-gd03fe6f
file     : 0015_ppm/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (1.49 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 190.69s (03:10.69), user 1924.95s (32:04.94)
           average image intensity (rgb): (0.143738 0.140937 0.128500)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : progressive photon map
mutations: none
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

kelemen metropolis path tracing








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-39-g673ac49
file     : 0016_kmlt_pt/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.15 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 19.34s (19.33), user 230.67s (03:50.67)
           average image intensity (rgb): (1.179331 1.178670 1.165141)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : pathtracer
mutations: metropolis as in kelemen and szirmay-kalos
           large step probability 0.200000
           mean acceptance 64.90%
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

kelemen metropolis path tracing with next event estimation








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-39-g673ac49
file     : 0017_kmlt_ptdl/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.23 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 29.91s (29.90), user 358.51s (05:58.50)
           average image intensity (rgb): (1.195146 1.193511 1.180525)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : pathtracer with next event estimation and mis
mutations: metropolis as in kelemen and szirmay-kalos
           large step probability 0.200000
           mean acceptance 67.56%
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

kelemen metropolis light tracing








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-43-gd03fe6f
file     : 0018_kmlt_lt/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.41 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 52.49s (52.48), user 612.07s (10:12.07)
           average image intensity (rgb): (0.126852 0.125614 0.112417)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : lighttracer
mutations: metropolis as in kelemen and szirmay-kalos
           large step probability 0.200000
           mean acceptance 62.27%
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

kelemen metropolis with multi-contribution bidirectional path tracing and mis








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-43-gd03fe6f
file     : 0019_kmlt_bdpt/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.80 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 103.00s (01:42.99), user 1207.27s (20:07.27)
           average image intensity (rgb): (1.168134 1.167097 1.156107)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : mis-weighted bi-directional path tracer
mutations: metropolis as in kelemen and szirmay-kalos
           large step probability 0.200000
           mean acceptance 66.33%
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

half vector space light transport

this tests the veach metropolis framework with a large step unidirectional mutation, a multi-chain perturbation treating all microfacets as specular interactions, and a specialized mutation strategy for glossy materials, half vector space mutations keeping start and end points fixed.







log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-39-g673ac49
file     : 0020_hslt/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.23 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 29.71s (29.71), user 354.27s (05:54.27)
           average image intensity (rgb): (1.087301 1.085190 1.076109)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : pathtracer
mutations: metropolis light transport in path space (veach style)
           using 30000 max consecutive rejects.
           mean image brightness 0.768068
         : large step mutation
           acceptance rate 0.4118% (155432/37747346)
         : extended half vector space mutation
           newtonian walks        4.86%
           failed project         0.00%
           failed propagate       0.00%
           failed mf              0.01%
           failed mutation        0.24%
           reached max iterations 28.65%
           average iterations     4.14
           successful step reduce 7.24%
           error increased        2.10%
           non-reversible         6.15%
           raydiff compute failed 0.00%
           successful mutations   44.36%
           acceptance rate 42.4691% (16032801/37751650)
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

single-connection bidirectional path tracing with mis








log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-43-gd03fe6f
file     : 0021_bdpt1/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.13 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 16.59s (16.59), user 198.17s (03:18.16)
           average image intensity (rgb): (1.077189 1.085111 1.079915)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : bi-directional path tracer with just one connection
mutations: none
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

half vector space light transport w/ bdpt

this tests the veach metropolis framework with a large step bidirectional mutation, a multi-chain perturbation treating all microfacets as specular interactions, and a specialized mutation strategy for glossy materials, half vector space mutations keeping start and end points fixed.







log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-44-ge92608e
file     : 0022_hslt_bdpt1/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.28 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 35.80s (35.79), user 424.84s (07:04.83)
           average image intensity (rgb): (1.088452 1.087344 1.072720)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : bi-directional path tracer with just one connection
mutations: metropolis light transport in path space (veach style)
           using 30000 max consecutive rejects.
           mean image brightness 0.767148
         : large step mutation
           acceptance rate 0.1354% (48155/35569668)
         : halfvector space mutation
           failed project         0.00%
           failed propagate       0.00%
           failed mf              0.00%
           failed mutation        0.66%
           reached max iterations 18.41%
           average iterations     6.34
           successful step reduce 3.75%
           error increased        1.44%
           non-reversible         4.05%
           raydiff compute failed 0.00%
           successful mutations   77.28%
           acceptance rate 50.7941% (2215377/4361483)
         : multi-chain perturbation
           acceptance rate 60.4628% (21505301/35567845)
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

hslt invisible cube

half vector space light transport rendering an invisible cube (index matched)







log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-39-g673ac49
file     : 0023_hslt_im/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 4.834)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 4.850) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4105 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 18.986294
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 400
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (0.25 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 31.78s (31.77), user 374.26s (06:14.26)
           average image intensity (rgb): (0.079652 0.079578 0.078247)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : pathtracer
mutations: metropolis light transport in path space (veach style)
           using 30000 max consecutive rejects.
           mean image brightness 0.0756352
         : large step mutation
           acceptance rate 0.3984% (274148/68809218)
         : halfvector space mutation
           failed project         0.00%
           failed propagate       0.00%
           failed mf              0.00%
           failed mutation        6.43%
           reached max iterations 3.11%
           average iterations     4.00
           successful step reduce 0.48%
           error increased        0.16%
           non-reversible         2.00%
           raydiff compute failed 0.00%
           successful mutations   94.30%
           acceptance rate 73.0763% (4888645/6689778)
spectrum : grid-based full gamut reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

subsurface scattering (skin)

homogeneous medium scattering with dwivedi sampling.







log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-42-g7ff0398
file     : 0030_subsurf/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 4.834)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 4.850) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 252147 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 6.545388
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 100
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 256 (0.73 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 186.06s (03:06.06), user 2217.46s (36:57.46)
           average image intensity (rgb): (0.112548 0.109612 0.100859)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : pathtracer with next event estimation and mis
mutations: metropolis as in kelemen and szirmay-kalos
           large step probability 0.200000
           mean acceptance 65.08%
spectrum : grid-based full gamut reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

scattering in heterogeneous volumes

heterogeneous volume (openvdb backend) with woodcock and residual ratio tracking [Novak et al. 2014].







log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-39-g673ac49
file     : 0031_hete/test
aabb     : (-15.166, 4.834)x(-0.000, 4.850)x(-9.293, 5.004) dm^3
res      : 1024x576
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4097 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 12.047125
  film   : 36mm x 20mm
         : 1/125 f/11.0 41mm iso 25
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 64 (0.94 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 59.84s (59.84), user 685.19s (11:25.18)
           average image intensity (rgb): (0.104209 0.103355 0.112324)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : pathtracer with next event estimation and mis
mutations: halton points
spectrum : smits-style reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E

rough dielectric with phong lobe

bsdf battle-test running sample(), estimating the bsdf the pdf using a histogram. also testing eval() and pdf() calls directly.

angle 01

estimated bsdf angle 01

sum 0.834969

angle 01

bsdf eval angle 01

sum 0.834833

angle 01

bsdf diff angle 01

diff -.000136

angle 01

estimated pdf angle 01

sum 0.932400

angle 01

pdf eval angle 01

sum 0.932256

angle 01

pdf diff angle 01

diff -.000144

angle 02

estimated bsdf angle 02

sum 0.833772

angle 02

bsdf eval angle 02

sum 0.833897

angle 02

bsdf diff angle 02

diff .000125

angle 02

estimated pdf angle 02

sum 0.931052

angle 02

pdf eval angle 02

sum 0.931182

angle 02

pdf diff angle 02

diff .000130

angle 03

estimated bsdf angle 03

sum 0.829980

angle 03

bsdf eval angle 03

sum 0.830202

angle 03

bsdf diff angle 03

diff .000222

angle 03

estimated pdf angle 03

sum 0.926666

angle 03

pdf eval angle 03

sum 0.926928

angle 03

pdf diff angle 03

diff .000262

angle 04

estimated bsdf angle 04

sum 0.820020

angle 04

bsdf eval angle 04

sum 0.820104

angle 04

bsdf diff angle 04

diff .000084

angle 04

estimated pdf angle 04

sum 0.915133

angle 04

pdf eval angle 04

sum 0.915190

angle 04

pdf diff angle 04

diff .000057

angle 05

estimated bsdf angle 05

sum 0.792176

angle 05

bsdf eval angle 05

sum 0.792147

angle 05

bsdf diff angle 05

diff -.000029

angle 05

estimated pdf angle 05

sum 0.882142

angle 05

pdf eval angle 05

sum 0.882117

angle 05

pdf diff angle 05

diff -.000025

angle 06

estimated bsdf angle 06

sum 0.684727

angle 06

bsdf eval angle 06

sum 0.684674

angle 06

bsdf diff angle 06

diff -.000053

angle 06

estimated pdf angle 06

sum 0.747713

angle 06

pdf eval angle 06

sum 0.747676

angle 06

pdf diff angle 06

diff -.000037


rough dielectric reflection ggx/visible normals/smith

bsdf battle-test running sample(), estimating the bsdf the pdf using a histogram. also testing eval() and pdf() calls directly.

angle 01

estimated bsdf angle 01

sum 0.048545

angle 01

bsdf eval angle 01

sum 0.048599

angle 01

bsdf diff angle 01

diff .000054

angle 01

estimated pdf angle 01

sum 0.059444

angle 01

pdf eval angle 01

sum 0.059463

angle 01

pdf diff angle 01

diff .000019

angle 02

estimated bsdf angle 02

sum 0.050541

angle 02

bsdf eval angle 02

sum 0.050497

angle 02

bsdf diff angle 02

diff -.000044

angle 02

estimated pdf angle 02

sum 0.063874

angle 02

pdf eval angle 02

sum 0.063709

angle 02

pdf diff angle 02

diff -.000165

angle 03

estimated bsdf angle 03

sum 0.056738

angle 03

bsdf eval angle 03

sum 0.056531

angle 03

bsdf diff angle 03

diff -.000207

angle 03

estimated pdf angle 03

sum 0.075405

angle 03

pdf eval angle 03

sum 0.074756

angle 03

pdf diff angle 03

diff -.000649

angle 04

estimated bsdf angle 04

sum 0.076624

angle 04

bsdf eval angle 04

sum 0.076196

angle 04

bsdf diff angle 04

diff -.000428

angle 04

estimated pdf angle 04

sum 0.110048

angle 04

pdf eval angle 04

sum 0.107833

angle 04

pdf diff angle 04

diff -.002215


rough dielectric transmission ggx/visible normals/smith

bsdf battle-test running sample(), estimating the bsdf the pdf using a histogram. also testing eval() and pdf() calls directly.

angle 01

estimated bsdf angle 01

sum 0.826433

angle 01

bsdf eval angle 01

sum 0.826321

angle 01

bsdf diff angle 01

diff -.000112

angle 01

estimated pdf angle 01

sum 0.920825

angle 01

pdf eval angle 01

sum 0.920599

angle 01

pdf diff angle 01

diff -.000226

angle 02

estimated bsdf angle 02

sum 0.814529

angle 02

bsdf eval angle 02

sum 0.814602

angle 02

bsdf diff angle 02

diff .000073

angle 02

estimated pdf angle 02

sum 0.914913

angle 02

pdf eval angle 02

sum 0.915035

angle 02

pdf diff angle 02

diff .000122

angle 03

estimated bsdf angle 03

sum 0.788810

angle 03

bsdf eval angle 03

sum 0.789010

angle 03

bsdf diff angle 03

diff .000200

angle 03

estimated pdf angle 03

sum 0.898849

angle 03

pdf eval angle 03

sum 0.899095

angle 03

pdf diff angle 03

diff .000246

angle 04

estimated bsdf angle 04

sum 0.723640

angle 04

bsdf eval angle 04

sum 0.723880

angle 04

bsdf diff angle 04

diff .000240

angle 04

estimated pdf angle 04

sum 0.859573

angle 04

pdf eval angle 04

sum 0.859891

angle 04

pdf diff angle 04

diff .000318


hair strands with marschner shading

hairs intersected as cylinders and shaded with the far field model by marschner et al. [2003], importance sampled using d'eon et al. [2013].







log file -- build log file

corona-13: microfacets-42-g7ff0398
file     : 0060_hair/test
aabb     : (-9.463, 4.834)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 4.850) dm^3
res      : 1024x1024
points   : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 516113 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel    : qbvh with tight motion-blurred boxes and support for big scenes, parallel build.
shader   : loadable shader support
camera   : thin lens model
  focus  : 17.535463
  film   : 36mm x 36mm
         : 1/125 f/11.0 258mm iso 1600
render   : global illumination, memory friendly framebuffer
           samples per pixel: 128 (1.85 s/prog) max path vertices 32
           elapsed times: wallclock 237.24s (03:57.24), user 2834.69s (47:14.69)
           average image intensity (rgb): (0.061308 0.058537 0.048494)
filter   : blackman harris, using spinlocks
sampler  : mis-weighted bi-directional path tracer
mutations: halton points
spectrum : grid-based full gamut reconstruction
camera   : CIE XYZ
input    : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E