this is the regression test report for corona-13. click on the headings to expand the detailed reports.
basic geometry intersection


corona-13: microfacets-43-gd03fe6f
file : 0001_geo/test
aabb : (-9.463, 17.942)x(-10.000, 10.000)x(0.000, 8.516) dm^3
res : 512x288
points : simple and fast mersenne twister
primitive: 4109 indexed primitives with motion blur support
accel : qbvh
shader : loadable shader support
camera : thin lens model
focus : 18.986294
film : 36mm x 20mm
: 1/125 f/8.0 60mm iso 100
render : visibility rays: em + brdf*dot^2
sampler : pathtracer
mutations: none
spectrum : grid-based full gamut reconstruction
camera : linear rec709 D65
input : linear rec709 adapted to illuminant E
motion blurred geo
camera motion blur
simplemost path tracing
path tracing with next event estimation
light tracing
path tracing, light tracing, and mis
bidirectional path tracing with mis
progressive photon mapping
kelemen metropolis path tracing
kelemen metropolis path tracing with next event estimation
kelemen metropolis light tracing
kelemen metropolis with multi-contribution bidirectional path tracing and mis
half vector space light transport
single-connection bidirectional path tracing with mis
half vector space light transport w/ bdpt
hslt invisible cube
subsurface scattering (skin)
scattering in heterogeneous volumes
rough dielectric with phong lobe
rough dielectric reflection ggx/visible normals/smith
rough dielectric transmission ggx/visible normals/smith
hair strands with marschner shading