
  author = {Johannes Hanika and Alexander Keller},
  title = {Towards Hardware Ray Tracing using Fixed Point Arithmetic},
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of IEEE/EG Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing}},
  pages = {119--128},
  year = {2007}
  author = {Leonhard Gr\"unschlo{\ss} and Johannes Hanika and Ronnie Schwede and Alexander Keller},
  title = {$(t,m,s)$-Nets with Maximized Minimum Distance},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of {M}onte {C}arlo and {Q}uasi-{M}onte {C}arlo {M}ethods 2006},
  publisher = {Springer},
  pages = {397--412},
  year = {2008}
  author = {Johannes Hanika},
  title = {Fixed Point Hardware Ray Tracing},
  school = {{Ulm University}},
  year = 2007
  author = {Matthias Raab and Johannes Hanika and Manuel Finkch and Leonhard Gr\"unschlo{\ss}\ and Alexander Keller},
  title = {Benchmarking Ray Tracing for Realistic Light Transport Algorithms},
  note = {\url{}},
  institution = {{Ulm University}},
  year = 2007
  author = {Marion Bendig and Johannes Hanika and Holger Dammertz and Jan Christoph Goldschmidt and Marius Peters and Michael Weber},
  title = {Simulation of Fluorescent Concentrators},
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of IEEE/EG Symposium on Interactive Ray Tracing}},
  pages = {93--98},
  year = 2008
  title = {Shallow Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Fast {SIMD} Ray Tracing of Incoherent Rays},
  author = {Holger Dammertz and Johannes Hanika and Alexander Keller},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  pages = {1225--1234},
  volume = 27,
  number = 4,
  year = {2008}
  author = {Holger Dammertz and Johannes Hanika and Alexander Keller and Hendrik Lensch},
  title = {A Hierarchical Automatic Stopping Condition for {Monte Carlo} Global Illumination},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Winter School of Computer Graphics},
  pages = {159--164},
  year = 2009
  author = {Holger Dammertz and Johannes Hanika},
  title = {Plane Sampling for Light Paths from the Environment Map},
  journal = {journal of graphics, gpu and game tools},
  volume = {14},
  number = {2},
  pages = {25--31},
  year = 2009
  author = {Holger Dammertz and Daniel Sewtz and Johannes Hanika and Hendrik Lensch},
  title = {Edge-Avoiding \`a-trous Wavelet Transform for fast Global Illumination Filtering},
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of High Performance Graphics}},
  pages = {67--75},
  year = 2010
  title = {Acquisition and Analysis of Bispectral Bidirectional Reflectance and Reradiation Distribution Functions},
  author = {Matthias Hullin and Johannes Hanika and Boris Ajdin and Jan Kautz and Hans-Peter Seidel and Hendrik Lensch},
  journal = {Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = 29,
  number = 4,
  pages = {1--7},
  year = 2010,
  doi = {10.1145/1778765.1778834}
  author = {Stefan Menz and Holger Dammertz and Johannes Hanika and Hendrik Lensch and Michael Weber},
  title = {Graphical Interface Models for Procedural Mesh Growing},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
  pages = {17--24},
  year = 2010
  title = {High Performance Iterated Function Systems},
  author = {Christoph Schied and Johannes Hanika and Holger Dammertz and Hendrik Lensch},
  booktitle = {{GPU Computing Gems Emerald Edition}},
  pages = {263--276},
  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
  year = 2010
  author = {Johannes Hanika and Alexander Keller and Hendrik Lensch},
  title = {Two-Level Ray Tracing with reordering for highly complex Scenes},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface},
  pages = {145--152},
  year = 2010
  author = {Johannes Hanika and Holger Dammertz and Hendrik Lensch},
  title = {Edge-Optimized \`a-trous Wavelets for Local Contrast Enhancement with Robust Denoising},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics)},
  volume = 30,
  number = 7,
  year = 2011,
  pages = {1879-1886}
  author = {Benjamin Steinert and Holger Dammertz and Johannes Hanika and Hendrik Lensch},
  year = 2011,
  title = {General Spectral Camera Lens Simulation},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (presented at Eurographics)},
  volume = 30,
  number = 6,
  pages = {1643--1654}
  title = {Spectral Light Transport Simulation using a Precision-based Ray Tracing Architecture},
  author = {Johannes Hanika},
  year = 2011,
  school = {{Ulm University}}
  author = {Matthias Hullin and Johannes Hanika and Wolfgang Heidrich},
  title = {{Polynomial Optics}: A Construction Kit for Efficient Ray-Tracing of Lens Systems},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  volume = {31},
  number = {4},
  year = {2012},
  month = jul
  author = {Christoph R\"o\ss ing and Johannes Hanika and Hendrik Lensch},
  year = 2012,
  title = {Real-Time Disparity Map-Based Pictorial Depth Cue Enhancement},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics)},
  volume = 31,
  number = 2,
  pages = {275--284}
  title = {Camera Space Volumetric Shadows},
  author = {Johannes Hanika and Peter Hillman and Martin Hill and Luca Fascione},
  year = 2012,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Digital Production Symposium},
  pages = {7-14}
  title = {Compressive Higher-order Sparse and Low-Rank Acquisition with a Hyperspectral Light Stage},
  author = {Ajdin, Boris and Finckh, Manuel and Fuchs, Christian and Hanika, Johannes and Lensch, Hendrik},
  institution = {{T\"ubingen University}},
  year = {2012}
  title = {Method, system, and computer program product for efficient ray tracing of micropolygon geometry},
  author = {Hanika, Johannes and Keller, Alexander and Lensch, Hendrik},
  year = {2013},
  month = oct,
  note = {US Patent 8,570,322}
  title = {Importance Sampling for Physically-Based Hair Fiber Models},
  author = {Eugene d'Eon and Steve Marschner and Johannes Hanika},
  booktitle = {Proceedings SIGGRAPH ASIA technical briefs},
  year = 2013
  title = {Efficient {Monte Carlo} Rendering with Realistic Lenses},
  author = {Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  year = 2014,
  volume = 33,
  number = {2},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics)},
  month = {April},
  pages = {323--332}
  title = {The Natural-Constraint Representation of the Path Space for Efficient Light Transport Simulation},
  author = {Anton Kaplanyan and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  journal = {Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH)},
  pages = {1--13},
  volume = {33},
  number = {4},
  month = {August},
  year = 2014
  title = {Hero Wavelength Spectral Sampling},
  author = {Wilkie, Alexander and Nawaz, Sehera and Droske, Marc and Weidlich, Andrea and Hanika, Johannes},
  pages = {123--131},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  month = {July},
  volume = 33,
  number = 4,
  year = 2014,
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.12419}
  author = {d'Eon, Eugene and Marschner, Steve and Hanika, Johannes},
  title = {A Fiber Scattering Model with Non-separable Lobes},
  booktitle = {SIGGRAPH 2014 Talks},
  year = {2014},
  month = aug,
  pages = {46:1--46:1},
  articleno = {46},
  numpages = {1}
  title = {{Rich-VPLs} for Improving the Versatility of Many-Light Methods},
  author = {Florian Simon and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  year = 2015,
  volume = 34,
  number = 2,
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics)},
  month = {May},
  pages = {575--584}
  title = {Image-based Reprojection Using a Non-local Means Algorithm},
  author = {Clemens Roegner and Michael Wimmer and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  year = 2015,
  institution = {Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology},
  number = {TR-186-2-05-2}
  title = {Manifold Next Event Estimation},
  author = {Johannes Hanika and Marc Droske and Luca Fascione},
  year = 2015,
  month = jun,
  volume = 34,
  number = 4,
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.12681},
  pages = {87--97}
  title = {Physically Meaningful Rendering using Tristimulus Colours},
  author = {Johannes Meng and Florian Simon and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  year = 2015,
  month = jun,
  volume = 34,
  number = 4,
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  pages = {31--40}
  title = {Improved Half Vector Space Light Transport},
  author = {Johannes Hanika and Anton Kaplanyan and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  year = 2015,
  month = jun,
  volume = 34,
  number = 4,
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  pages = {65-74}
  title = {{SIGGRAPH} 2015 Course Notes: The Path-Tracing Revolution in the Movie Industry},
  author = {Alexander Keller and Luca Fascione and Marcos Fajardo and Per Christensen and Johannes Hanika and Christian Eisenacher and Greg Nichols},
  booktitle = {SIGGRAPH Courses},
  year = 2015,
  month = aug,
  organization = {Nvidia, Pixar, Weta digital, Walt Disney Animation Studios}
  title = {Potential and Challenges of using Computer Graphics for the Simulation of Optical Measurement Systems},
  author = {Max-Gerd Retzlaff and Johannes Hanika and Jürgen Beyerer and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  year = 2016,
  month = may,
  booktitle = {Sensoren und Messysteme}
  title = {Multiple Scattering Microfacet {BSDFs} with the {Smith} Model},
  author = {Eric Heitz and Johannes Hanika and Eugene d'Eon and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  year = 2016,
  journal = {Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = {35},
  number = {4},
  month = aug,
  pages = {58:1--58:14}
  author = {Nicolas Holzschuch and Anton Kaplanyan and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Estimating Local {Beckmann} Roughness for Complex {BSDFs}},
  booktitle = {SIGGRAPH 2016 Talks},
  year = {2016},
  month = aug,
  pages = {66:1--66:2}
  author = {Emanuel Schrade and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Sparse high-degree polynomials for wide-angle lenses},
  volume = 35,
  number = 4,
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  pages = {89--97},
  month = jun,
  year = 2016
  author = {Johannes Meng and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Improving the {Dwivedi} Sampling Scheme},
  volume = 35,
  number = 4,
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  pages = {37--44},
  month = jun,
  year = 2016
  author = {Pascal Weber and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Multiple Vertex Next Event Estimation for Lighting in dense, forward-scattering Media},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics)},
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.13103},
  volume = {36},
  number = {2},
  month = apr,
  pages = {21-30},
  year = 2017
  title = {Fusing State Spaces for {Markov} Chain {Monte Carlo} Rendering},
  author = {Hisanari Otsu and Anton Kaplanyan and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher and Toshiya Hachisuka},
  journal = {Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = 35,
  number = 4,
  month = aug,
  pages = {1--10},
  year = 2017
  title = {{SIGGRAPH} 2017 Course Notes: Path tracing in production (Parts 1 and 2)},
  author = {Luca Fascione and Johannes Hanika and Marcos Fajardo and Per Christensen and Brent Burley and Brian Green and Rob Piek\'e and Christopher Kulla and Christophe Hery and Ryusuke Villemin and Daniel Heckenberg and Andr\'e Mazzone},
  booktitle = {SIGGRAPH Courses},
  year = 2017,
  month = aug,
  organization = {Animal Logic, DreamWorks Animation, ILM, MPC, Pixar, Solid Angle, Sony Imageworks, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Weta Digital}
  title = {Line Integration for Rendering Heterogeneous Emissive Volumes},
  author = {Florian Simon and Johannes Hanika and Tobias Zirr and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  year = 2017,
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  month = jun,
  volume = 36,
  number = 4,
  pages = {101--110}
  title = {Local Quasi-{Monte Carlo} Exploration},
  author = {Lorenzo Tessari and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  year = 2017,
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering: Experimental Ideas \& Implementations},
  month = jun,
  doi = {10.2312/sre.20171196}
  title = {Microfacet-based Normal Mapping for Robust {Monte Carlo} Path Tracing},
  author = {Vincent Sch\"ussler and Eric Heitz and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  journal = {Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  month = nov,
  volume = 36,
  number = 6,
  pages = {205:1--205:12},
  year = 2017
  title = {Reweighting firefly samples for improved finite-sample {Monte Carlo} estimates},
  author = {Tobias Zirr and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
  volume = 37,
  number = {6},
  pages = {410--421},
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.13335},
  year = 2018
  title = {{Monte Carlo} Methods for Volumetric Light Transport Simulation},
  author = {Jan Nov\'{a}k and Iliyan Georgiev and Johannes Hanika and Wojciech Jarosz},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics State of the Art Reports)},
  volume = 37,
  number = 2,
  pages = {1--26},
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.13383},
  year = 2018
  title = {Manuka: A batch-shading architecture for spectral path tracing in movie production},
  author = {Luca Fascione and Johannes Hanika and Mark Leone and Marc Droske and Jorge Schwarzhaupt and Tom\'a\v{s} Davidovi\v{c} and Andrea Weidlich and Johannes Meng},
  journal = {Transactions on Graphics},
  volume = 37,
  number = 3,
  year = 2018,
  doi = {10.1145/3182161}
  title = {Geometry-Aware {Metropolis} Light Transport},
  author = {Hisanari Otsu and Johannes Hanika and Toshiya Hachisuka and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  journal = {Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  volume = 37,
  number = 6,
  year = 2018,
  month = dec,
  doi = {10.1145/3272127.3275106}
  title = {Selective guided sampling with complete light transport paths},
  author = {Florian Simon and Johannes Hanika and Alisa Jung and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  journal = {Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia)},
  articleno = {223},
  numpages = {14},
  volume = 37,
  number = 6,
  year = 2018,
  month = dec,
  doi = {10.1145/3272127.3275030}
  title = {A Simple Diffuse Fluorescent {BBRRDF} Model},
  author = {Alisa Jung and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  booktitle = {MAM2018: Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling},
  year = 2018
  author = {Fascione, Luca and Hanika, Johannes and Piek{\'e}, Rob and Villemin, Ryusuke and Hery, Christophe and Gamito, Manuel and Emrose, Luke and Mazzone, Andr{\'e}},
  title = {Path Tracing in Production},
  booktitle = {SIGGRAPH 2018 Courses},
  year = {2018},
  isbn = {978-1-4503-5809-5},
  location = {Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada},
  pages = {15:1--15:79},
  articleno = {15},
  numpages = {79},
  doi = {10.1145/3214834.3214864}
  author = {Nov\'{a}k, Jan and Georgiev, Iliyan and Hanika, Johannes and K\v{r}iv\'{a}nek, Jaroslav and Jarosz, Wojciech},
  title = {{Monte Carlo} Methods for Physically Based Volume Rendering},
  booktitle = {SIGGRAPH 2018 Courses},
  year = {2018},
  isbn = {978-1-4503-5809-5},
  location = {Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada},
  pages = {14:1--14:1},
  articleno = {14},
  numpages = {1},
  doi = {10.1145/3214834.3214880}
  author = {Wenzel Jakob and Johannes Hanika},
  title = {A Low-Dimensional Function Space for Efficient Spectral Upsampling},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics)},
  volume = {38},
  number = {2},
  year = {2019},
  month = mar,
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.13626}
  author = {Alisa Jung and Alexander Wilkie and Johannes Hanika and Wenzel Jakob and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  title = {Wide Gamut Spectral Upsampling with Fluorescence},
  year = 2019,
  volume = 38,
  number = 4,
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.13773}
  author = {Christoph Peters and Sebastian Merzbach and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Spectral Rendering with the Bounded {MESE} and {sRGB} Data},
  booktitle = {MAM2019: Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling},
  year = 2019
  author = {Christoph Peters and Sebastian Merzbach and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Using Moments to Represent Bounded Signals for Spectral Rendering},
  doi = {10.1145/3306346.3322964},
  journal = {Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH)},
  volume = 38,
  number = 4,
  articleno = 136,
  pages = 14,
  month = jul,
  year = 2019
  author = {Jakob, Wenzel and Weidlich, Andrea and Beddini, Andrew and Piek{\'e}, Rob and Tang, Hanzhi and Fascione, Luca and Hanika, Johannes},
  title = {Path Tracing in Production: Part 2: Making Movies},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Courses},
  series = {SIGGRAPH '19},
  year = {2019},
  isbn = {978-1-4503-6307-5},
  pages = {20:1--20:41},
  articleno = {20},
  numpages = {41},
  doi = {10.1145/3305366.3328085}
  author = {Fascione, Luca and Hanika, Johannes and Heckenberg, Daniel and Kulla, Christopher and Droske, Marc and Schwarzhaupt, Jorge},
  title = {Path Tracing in Production: Part 1: Modern Path Tracing},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Courses},
  series = {SIGGRAPH '19},
  year = {2019},
  isbn = {978-1-4503-6307-5},
  pages = {19:1--19:113},
  articleno = {19},
  numpages = {113},
  doi = {10.1145/3305366.3328079}
  author = {Vorba, Ji\v{r}\'{\i} and Hanika, Johannes and Herholz, Sebastian and M\"{u}ller, Thomas and K\v{r}iv\'{a}nek, Jaroslav and Keller, Alexander},
  title = {Path Guiding in Production},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Courses},
  series = {SIGGRAPH '19},
  year = {2019},
  isbn = {978-1-4503-6307-5},
  pages = {18:1--18:77},
  articleno = {18},
  numpages = {77},
  doi = {10.1145/3305366.3328091}
  author = {Emanuel Schrade and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Brute-force calculation of aperture diffraction in camera lenses},
  institution = {{Karlsruhe Institute of Technology}},
  year = 2019
  author = {Alisa Jung and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Spectral Mollification for Bidirectional Fluorescence},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics)},
  volume = {39},
  number = {2},
  year = 2020,
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.13937}
  author = {Alisa Jung and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Detecting Bias in {Monte Carlo} Renderers using {Welch’s} t-test},
  year = 2020,
  month = {June},
  day = 13,
  journal = {Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT)},
  volume = 9,
  number = 2,
  pages = {1--25},
  url = {},
  issn = {2331-7418}
  author = {Lorenzo Tessari and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher and Marc Droske},
  title = {Temporal Normal Distribution Functions},
  booktitle = {{EGSR} - Digital Library Only Track},
  pages = {1--12},
  year = {2020},
  doi = {10.2312/sr.20201132}
  author = {Addis Dittebrandt and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Temporal Sample Reuse for Next Event Estimation and Path Guiding for Real-Time Path Tracing},
  booktitle = {{EGSR} - Digital Library Only Track},
  pages = {39--51},
  year = {2020},
  doi = {10.2312/sr.20201135}
  title = {Portal-Based Path Perturbation for {Metropolis} Light Transport},
  author = {Hisanari Otsu and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
  year = 2020
  author = {Johannes Hanika and Lorenzo Tessari and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Fast temporal reprojection without motion vectors},
  year = 2021,
  month = {September},
  day = 30,
  journal = {Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT)},
  volume = 10,
  number = 3,
  pages = {19--45},
  url = {},
  issn = {2331-7418}
  author = {Andrea Weidlich and Alex Forsythe and Scott Dyer and Thomas Mansencal and Johannes Hanika and Alexander Wilkie and Luke Emrose and Anders Langlands},
  title = {Spectral Imaging in Production},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH 2021 Courses},
  series = {SIGGRAPH '21},
  year = {2021},
  numpages = {88}
  author = {Johannes Hanika},
  year = 2021,
  editor = {Adam Marrs and Peter Shirley and Ingo Wald},
  booktitle = {Ray Tracing Gems II},
  publisher = {Apress},
  doi = {10.1007/978-1-4842-7185-8}
  author = {Weier, Philippe and Droske, Marc and Hanika, Johannes and Weidlich, Andrea and Vorba, Jiří},
  title = {Optimised Path Space Regularisation},
  year = 2021,
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  year = 2021,
  volume = 40,
  number = 4,
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.14347}
  author = {Johannes Hanika and Andrea Weidlich and Marc Droske},
  title = {Once-more scattered next event estimation for volume rendering},
  year = 2022,
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  volume = 41,
  number = 4,
  publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley \& Sons Ltd.},
  issn = {1467-8659},
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.14583}
  author = {Vincent Sch\"u\ss ler and Johannes Hanika and Alisa Jung and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Path guiding with vertex triplet distributions},
  year = 2022,
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  volume = 41,
  number = 4,
  publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley \& Sons Ltd.},
  issn = {1467-8659},
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.14582}
  author = {Weizhen Huang and Matthias Hullin and Johannes Hanika},
  title = {A microfacet-based hair scattering model},
  year = 2022,
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  volume = 41,
  number = 4,
  publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley \& Sons Ltd.},
  issn = {1467-8659},
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.14588}
  author = {Marc Droske and Johannes Hanika and Jiří Vorba and Andrea Weidlich and Manuele Sabbadin},
  title = {Path Tracing in Production -- The Path of Water},
  booktitle = {ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Courses},
  series = {SIGGRAPH '23},
  year = {2023},
  doi = {10.1145/3587423.3595520},
  numpages = 65
  author = {Addis Dittebrandt and Vincent Schüßler and Johannes Hanika and Sebastian Herholz and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {{Markov} Chain Mixture Models for Real-Time Direct Illumination},
  year = 2023,
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  volume = 42,
  number = 4,
  publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley \& Sons Ltd.},
  numpages = 15,
  doi = {10.1111/cgf.14881}
  title = {Regional Adaptive {Metropolis} Light Transport},
  author = {Hisanari Otsu and Killian Herveau and Johannes Hanika and Derek Nowrouzezahrai and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  year = {2024},
  eprint = {2402.08273},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  primaryclass = {cs.GR}
  title = {A Fast GPU Schedule For \`{a}-trous Wavelet-Based Denoisers},
  author = {Reiner Dolp and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  journal = {Proc. ACM Comput. Graph. Interact. Tech.},
  volume = 7,
  number = 1,
  artno = 1,
  year = 2024,
  doi = {}
  author = {Vincent Schüßler and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  title = {Bridge Sampling for Connections via Multiple Scattering Events},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering)},
  volume = 43,
  number = 4,
  year = 2024,
  publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley \& Sons Ltd.},
  doi = {}
  title = {A study of observer metamerism for reflectance-induced stimuli},
  author = {Luca Fascione and Johannes Hanika},
  booktitle = {MAM-MANER 2024: Eurographics Workshop on Material Appearance Modeling},
  year = 2024
  title = {Neural Two-Level {Monte Carlo} Real-Time Rendering},
  author = {Mikhail Dereviannykh and Dmitrii Klepikov and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics)},
  volume = {44},
  number = {2},
  year = 2025
  title = {Real-Time {Markov} Chain Path Guiding for Global Illumination and Single Scattering},
  author = {Lucas Alber and Johannes Hanika and Carsten Dachsbacher},
  journal = {i3D},
  year = 2025

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